Scheduling, Staffing, and Financial Management for AcuStaf Integration – Inpatient Units


3-Day Evidence-based training program providing theory, application, and integration into AcuStaf Software. This program concentrates on the topics of financial management, evidence-based scheduling, staffing, and workforce management.

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For Inpatient Units
February 22-24, 2022

Presented by Labor Management Institute, Inc.
Sponsored by AcuStaf Development Corporation

3-Day Evidence-based training program providing theory, application, and integration into AcuStaf Software. This program concentrates on the topics of financial management, evidence-based scheduling, staffing, and workforce management.

Curriculum includes: Financial Systems: Budget Overview, Definitions, and Formulas, Managing Workload Units of Service and ADT, Fair Labor Standards and Overtime Management, Principles and Best Practices for Schedule Development, Budgeting and Daily Staffing, Daily Staffing and Defining Unit and Resource Office Goals for Replacement, Schedule Auditing, Problem Solving, and Conflict Resolution, Deficit Demand and Supplemental Response, Managing Employee Requests, RN, LPN, NA Ratios, and Staff to Patient and Workload Ratios